Update: Things are pretty much back to normal now - Don's just working on healing. He says his eye's itching, so it must be getting better. He says he can see the outline of the computer and the television, which is more than what he could see over 's a unique dish, and Toni gives great directions for fixing it.

Another soup that was meant for last week came from Sara of
I Like to Cook. She sends us her
Cream of Tomato Soup. While I enjoy a bowl of Campbell's now and then, this one looks 10 times better!

Next up is Chris of
Mele Cotte, who sends in her
Chicken Herb Vegetable Soup. This soup, full of carrots and mushrooms, along with chicken and whole wheat noodles, would be perfect on a cold winter night. It looks simple, yet oh so tasty!

I then heard from Glenna of
A Fridge Full of Food, who submitted
3 Bean with Ham Soup. This one has got to be good! Glenna also has a treat for us - she introduces us to a friend and co-worker, Chris, who was convinced to post his recipes for all to see. He made a Cheezy White Chicken Chili and a "Rip Your Butt" soup. Go to Glenna's blog to get to Chris's!

Paula of
The Cookbook Junkie sends in a delectable
French Beef Stew. Paula says she always makes her stews a day ahead, and that the flavor is even better the second day. My husband has said this about a lot of leftovers, and I just thought he was saying it because he was hungry the second day. (He usually eats the leftovers, not me!) Now I need to give her idea a try - do some cooking like this over the weekend so dinner is ready to eat on Monday night. Thanks for the idea Paula!

An almost-overlooked submission is
Rice Soup, also called Arisi Kanji, submiited by Anisha of
Kovai-Samayal. Her email made it to me just fine, but I overlooked it when I was doing the roundup. So sorry Anisha! It's here now! I look forward to exploring your blog and learning some new tricks. The rice soup looks simple and tasty, one that can be served hot or cold.
My contribution for tonight is a simple carrot soup. I walked in the door after work, chopped the vegetables (which could have been done in advance), added the broth and brought it to a boil, and then went and took a shower while it simmered. A few whirrs with the beverage blender, and then the addition of some cream, and it was ready. This is a recipe I've had for years and never made. Don asked me why I hadn't made it before, and I told him I hadn't had a reason to make so many soups before. Now that I'm doing this "event," we're both having fun trying all kinds of different soups. The picture below looks like my soup is green! But it's not. It was sort of orange, but did have an odd tint to it from the green onions and celery.
Cream of Carrot Soup
2 tablespoons butter
2 stalks celery, sliced
6 green onions (with tops), sliced
1 pound carrots, peeled and thinly sliced
2 cups rich chicken broth
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
1/2 cup heavy cream
Melt butter in a heavy saucepan. Add vegetables and stir to coat. Add broth and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer 30 minutes. Then, either remove to a blender or use a beverage blender to puree the mixture. Add salt, pepper, and cream and heat. DO NOT BOIL. 3 servings.
Thanks to everyone for your words of encouragement and support. And thanks to the submissions for this event. Keep 'em coming!
food & drink
Ooooh...nice round up! Thanks for having this event. Look at all those new soups to try!
hey cyndi, will you take recipe contributions from anyone?
Of course I will, whether you have a blog or not. Last week I posted a recipe from a fellow rv.net poster. Just email me! cholmaneee at uia dot net (without the spaces, substituting the punctuation).
Doesn't matter at all!! I know how much pressure and workloads you are into! Thanks for publicizing my entry too!!
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