Saturday, June 02, 2007

(Being Alliterative) Forest Falls Flowers

A short walk around my house - not even venturing more than 50 yards in any direction - led me to these flowers. Some are wildflowers, some are cultivated - but they're all beautiful.

The ones to the left grow wild, and come up in large numbers each spring around the trees in my front yard. I don't know what they're called.

These are California poppies, I believe. (If I'm wrong, let me know!)

Purple Columbines


In my neighbor's yard

Same type of flower, different color

More columbines, but with yellow centers

Yellow Columbines


John said...

Nice pitures of the columbines. I'm actually trying to grow some in my garden right now, but I think I planted them in a place with too much sunlight. We'll see. At any rate they are beautiful pictures.

Glenna said...

Gorgeous! I'm so jealous. Sigh.

Peggy K said...

Such lovely flowers :-)

From your pic I'd say those probably aren't California poppies, which are a more yellowy-orange, but maybe it's the lighting.

Lan said...

I think the flowers in the first photograph might be periwinkles, and those in two colors in the neighbor's garden are gerbera.

Anonymous said...

They are really beautiful pictures. The flowers are so beautiful.