Here's how our trip went:
Two days before we left, we received a phone call from the campground reservation folks that we couldn't come to Trumbull Lake, our first destination. The explanation given was that it was still closed because of the snow. So, we made some changes in our plans and pressed on. First we drove up the 395 to Bridgeport, and then southwest on Twin Lakes Road to Twin Lakes. After deciding that we didn't want to stay at a crowded "resort" near the lakes, we found a perfect Forest Service campsite on Robinson Creek, the creek that flows out of Twin Lakes. By perfect, I mean it had lots of shade from the tall pines, it was far away from other sites, it was within walking distance to the bathrooom, and was close to the creek. From that campground, we drove to the Virginia Lakes at 9200 feet, where DH spent two days on the water in his float tube catching and releasing lots of rainbows, cutthroats, and brown trout. I happily cheered him on from my chair, where I read, sunned, and enjoyed the beautiful scenerey. I also learned the importance of sunscreen at 9200 feet. My shins are burnt! We also spent two days on several different creeks in the area, including Robinson Creek, as well as on Twin Lakes. The days were warm - 80's - and the nights were nice and cold, just like I like 'em.
On day 5 we continued north on the 395, and drove to northeastern California, where we'd made reservations at a campground called Lassen Pines. Now, wouldn't you think that a place called Lassen Pines would be close to Lassen and would be in the PInes? This place was neither. It was a nice campground, but it was 40+ miles from Lassen (Volcanic National Park), and was in the oaks. There were a few pines scattered around, but not many. When we made the reservation I'd asked about the fishing opportunities and was assured that they were many, and were close. I guess "many" means within an hour's drive. I'd also asked about temperatures, and was told they were "mild," but when we arrived it was 95 degrees in the shade. Aaacckk. Over lunch we decided to stay just one night and to go back to the Sierras the next day. We spent the afternoon in the swimming pool, sat in the shade until it cooled down enough to cook dinner, and then went to bed. It didn't cool down until around midnight. Too hot for me.
Day 6 saw us headed back DOWN the 395, and we stopped at June Lake - a place we'd been to many times before. Five lakes within a 5-15 minute drive (one within walking distance), creeks, and it was 8500 feet. Back to cool days and cold nights! We had a wonderful 2 1/2 days there, and came home the afternoon of the third day. We've now done our laundry and shopping, paid the bills, cleaned the vehicles and the house, and are ready to go to Colorado Sunday morning.
Here are some great camping meals we had on our trip:
1. Hamburgers with corn
2. Hot dogs with baked beans
3. Geschnetzeltes with boiled potatoes (recipe available)
4. Chicken breasts with pineapple salsa (I'll post that recipe below), rice a roni
5. Chicken breasts with raspberry balsamic vinegar, rice a roni
6. Cornmeal-breaded fried fish with carrot salad and turnip greens
7. Fleishsalat with rye bread (recipe below)
1. Pancakes! Twice!
2. Corned beef hash with eggs
3. Sausage-Egg Quesadillas (recipe available)
4. Pfannenkuchen (also called Pfannkuchen, Klettiten, or Swedish Crepes) with lingonberries and sausage. Recipe below.
Pineapple Salsa
1 6-oz. can crushed pineapple, undrained
2 t brown sugar or 1 t Splenda brown sugar blend
2 T finely chopped purple onion
1-3 t finely chopped jalapeno (depend on how hot you want it)
Combine all ingredients. This makes enough for 2-3 grilled or sauteed chicken breasts.

Fleischsalat is German for "meat salad," and this is an excellent meal to eat when it's hot outside and you don't want to heat up your kitchen. DH"s mother taught me the orginal recipe, which didn't have cheese or tomatoes. I added cheese after having it that way at a restaurant in Zweibrucken, Germany, and then added tomatoes after DH suggested it. We love to eat this with buttered rye bread, since we can't get real Mischbrot here in the States.
1/2 lb. German bologna, thinly sliced
4 thin slices Swiss cheese
1 medium tomato, diced
1 c Kruegermann pickle salad (I suppose you could try dill pickles, but the flavor is truly different)
1/2 c finely chopped onion
1/4 t salt
1/8 t pepper
2 T vegetable oil
1/4 c vinegar
2 T water
Cut the bologna and cheese into strips about 1 1/2 inches long and 1/8 inch wide. Put in medium bowl with tomato, pickle salad, and onion. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. In a small bowl, mix together oil, vinegar, and water. Pour over salad, and stir to combine. Serves 4.
These are very similar to the crepes served at IHOP. Their Swedish Crepes are served with lingonberries, and are my favorites.
2 eggs
1/8 t salt
1/4 c sugar or Splenda granular
1/2 t vinegar
1 T melted butter
1 3/4 c flour
2 c milk
more butter for cooking
lingonberries or preserves of your choice (DH likes blackberry)
Beat eggs well. Add salt, sugar or Splenda, vinegar, and butter. Add flour and 1 cup of the milk; stir until smooth. Gradually add 1 cup more of the milk. Preheat a large (12 inch) skillet, and add 1/2 t butter. When butter is melted, add 1/3 cup of the batter. Quickly turn pan in a circular motion to coat bottom of pan with a thin layer of the batter. Cook about a minute over medium heat; flip to other side and cook another minute or so until lightly browned. Serve with lingonberries or preserves. Makes about 9, or enough to serve 3 people.
Before I sign off, here's a photo of me from my graduation!

(I think it's so cool you and your husband picked up all those German recipes...)
Cyndi, did I miss something? Did you graduate from somewhere recently?
Patl - I just received my master's degree in Environmental Education from California State University, San Bernardino. It was a degree I'd started in 1983, then quit, then worked on again in 1991-92, and then finally buckled down and finished the past two years. I'm thinking about retiring in 5 years, and needed to move over and down on the salary column since retirement pay is based on highest salary. This was a fun degree, lots of projects and activities that were interesting and relevant to one of my passions-the environment.
Congratulations, Cyndi!
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